Monday, November 4, 2013

Workout of the Week: Killer Core

Summer may not seem like it's right around the corner, but before you know it, you'll be seeing promises of "bikini abs in 4 weeks!" Though we all want a flat tummy, there are far more important reasons to have a strong core. Good posture, spinal support, hip strength, and low back strength are critical to healthy living and healthy aging.

Do each exercise for 30 to 60 seconds, completing at least 2 circuits.

Plank: lying on your stomach (use a mat or a soft surface), come up to rest on your forearms and toes. Make sure your elbows are directly under your shoulders, your back is level (squeeze your abs and butt), and you're on your toes. Hold the position.
Plank position

Mountain climbers: In push up position, alternate drawing your knees up to your chest. You can do these slowly, or faster for a cardio element.

Russian twist: Sit upright, with knees bent and toes pointed up (your feet are resting on your heels). Keeping your back straight and chest up, rotate side to side, tapping an 8-lb medicine ball or weight on the floor next to your hip. To make this more advanced, lean back a bit and balance on your sit bones, feet off the floor, and twist.

Plank walkup: Return to plank position (on your forearms), and alternate coming up onto your hands to pushup position (on your palms).
Pushup position

Spiderman crunch: In pushup position, bend your right knee and bring it up toward your right elbow. Alternate sides, drawing the knee as close to the elbow as you can.

Tip: If you need a break, rest, count to 3, and go back into the exercise, but complete the allotted time! This will allow you to see your progress. If you take less breaks in the 30 seconds each time, it shows you're getting stronger!


  1. Would these (eventually) help combat middle aged man spare tire syndrome (MAMSTS)?

    1. Absolutely! As long as your diet matches your fitness efforts. ;-)
